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What is Intimate Rejuvenation? Why is it Important?

  • Feb 24, 2021

Health trends have become the modern-day whims that come and go. But it is quite challenging to differentiate the really beneficial ones from the ones that are just hypes. Vaginal rejuvenation is a now trending topic but not many women understand it.

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IV therapy

Does IV Therapy Really Work?

  • Jan 14, 2021

Health & Beauty Benefits of Hydration IV Drip.

Not feeling like getting out of bed? Are you lately being prone to infections or health conditions? Not being able to get over last night’s party hangover?

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6 Common Botox and Dermal Filler

6 Common Anti-wrinkle Injection and Dermal Filler Myths Debunked

  • Jan 13, 2021

Are the fine lines and wrinkles around lips and on your face getting you all worked up? Then the thought of anti-wrinkle injection and dermal fillers must have crossed your mind! But there are quite a few stereotypes that come along with the word “anti-wrinkle injection” or “dermal filler” and what each one entails.

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img tummy 1

Why Tummy Tuck is such a popular treatment these days?

  • Jan 14, 2021

A delectable silhouette is something that is craved by all. But there is a difference between thinking about it and achieving it.

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Away winter skin blues

Drive away winter skin blues with these essential skincare tips


Snuggling up in bed during the cosy nights - one of the best winter memories! But winter does not provide many reasons to create warm memories for your skin. On the contrary, it happens to be quite unforgiving towards it.

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Non-Surgical Services

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