Regain Your Confidence With Hyperhidrosis Treatment Dubai – Botox & MIRADRY
Have you been noticing that your palms or underarms are excessively sweating? Are you having trouble controlling how much you sweat, regardless of your activity level or the temperature of the room? Well, you may be experiencing excessive sweating, otherwise known as hyperhidrosis. This common condition can often become frustrating and embarrassing for many. However, with our innovative hyperhidrosis excessive sweating treatments at CosmeSurge, your struggle with excessive sweating will be eliminated in no time!
Excessive sweating medically known as hyperhidrosis, is a common condition which may be experienced throughout the whole body or certain areas. Most people sweat when they exercise or exert themselves, are in a hot environment, or are anxious or under stress. The excessive sweating experienced with hyperhidrosis far exceeds such normal sweating. Sometimes excessive sweating is a sign of a serious condition and may require you to visit a doctor.
Discover our excessive sweating treatment in Dubai today. Book your consultation now!

There are generally two reasons for excessive sweating and they are either overactive swear glands or some kind of underlying medical condition that is causing excess sweating in the body. Overactive sweat glands are usually genetic or the result of emotional or nervous system triggers (anxiety, stress and other triggers). As for underlying medical conditions, hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of hormonal changes, diabetes, certain infections or a side effect of certain medications.
When it comes to controlling the condition, several actions can be taken either to manage the condition on a regular basis or to permanently eliminate it. Botox injections are often used in certain areas of the body to manage excess sweating. The botox works to temporarily halt sweat gland activity in the treatment area for up to six months. On the other hand, miraDry treatment can be used as a permanent non-surgical solution to the issue. This treatment works to permanently control excess sweating by using thermal energy to eliminate sweat glands in the underarms.