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Balance & Recontour with chin augmentation

Balance & Recontour with chin augmentation

Balance & Recontour with chin augmentation

Do you know chin augmentation can help you achieve a symmetrical look while you age? So your nose and drooping cheeks can look better with a lifted and reduced chin!

You can achieve facial balance and a contoured face with chin augmentation surgery in UAE. Many people want a better face shape, and a small change can augment their confidence! The chin augmentation surgery helps the patient get an ideal face shape. Also, facial asymmetries and jaw definition can be worked by the change in chin shape and size.

Who Should Consider Chin Augmentation Surgery?

Chin augmentation surgery in Dubai and UAE can help patients of many age groups. Younger people can resort to it for a better face shape and contour. While the elderly can work on getting their receding chin fixed. People with the issue below can benefit from this surgery

  • Receding chin
  • Short chin
  • Narrow chin
  • Weak chin
  • Unbalanced or asymmetrical features
  • A large nose that creates a facial imbalance

Your Journey with CosmeSurge

Surgeons at Cosmesurge meet the patient to analyze their facial features and the best possible method of chin augmentation. The doctors may choose the best chin implants in Dubai or the chin grafting technique, based on the patient's needs. However, first, the medical history is checked. Similarly, smoking patients will be asked to quit three weeks before the operation. Blood thinning medicines are also stopped. Furthermore, the doctor may take pictures to refer to the result post-surgery. Based on this assessment, the doctor will walk the patient through the selected chin augmentation approach and the procedure details.
Chin augmentation surgery in UAE is a quick procedure. Under the effects of general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is also common for chin augmentation surgeries. The patients recover fast and can be sent home as per their recovery pace. Implants: Implants have a permanent effect on the face. The doctor makes an incision underneath the chin to place the silicon implant. Not only does it reshape the jaw, but it also gives an elongated neck effect. Fat Grafting: The fat transfer technique is another way to use the body's own fat in areas of volume. The fatty areas of the body are tapped to extract fat. Then surgeons purify it to extract the super fat. This super fat is added surgically with the help of a cannula to the chin for volume.
There is swelling and bruising on the chin. This subsides with icing and other prescribed medical interventions for chin augmentation surgery. The patients are advised to follow certain rules such as:
  • Go for a liquid diet or soft pureed food
  • Avoid physical exercise
  • Sleep with an elevated pillow and avoid tilting the head.
  • Wear a support bandage for 3-4 days
Balance & Recontour with chin augmentation Make Appointment

CosmeSurge is one of the leading aesthetic brands and the largest cosmetology chain in the region. Our services are proven and exceptional as we have team of highly qualified doctors and specialists with years of experience. To book a consultation you can call us on 800 26763 (COSME) or share your details through the book appointment section and our team will reach out to you.

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With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.

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With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


Chin augmentation is performed via different procedures. Therefore, each has a different lasting period. However, implants and fat grafting both have permanent long-term results.
As a result, once you opt for these you are on a long-term ride with an augmented chin.

All surgeries require cuts, and so is the case here. A small incision under the chin or inside the mouth is made.
The patient is under the effect of anesthesia, while the doctor makes an area for the chin implant or fat tissue to fit and augment the chin bone.

Yes, chin implants look very natural due to the latest techniques of material composition. They fit perfectly, last the longest, and leave no scars from surgery!

Yes, chin implants are very safe. It is the most common surgery after liquid rhinoplasty as more men and women are seeking to add harmony to their faces. They are made with materials that have been studied and tested for years. The body accepts the fat and implants easily, and the post-surgery period is uncomplicated. Surgeons at Cosmesurge deliver the most natural-looking chin augmentation in the UAE!

Chin augmentation surgery adds definition and symmetry to the face. However, when contemplating surgery for yourself or suggesting it to a friend you may see the following factors to make them ideal candidates for a chin augmentation surgery. Also, this surgery can be done in

  • People with a pointed or square chin
  • Patient with a receding or weak chin ( not prominent)
  • People with prominent noses
  • Patients with a congenital or a trauma defect
  • Patients facing jowls and short undefined neck issues
  • Healthy adults with no major health issues
  • People with realistic expectations

The techniques used in chin augmentation are chiefly three. However, each patient’s case and history are different. Therefore, the suggested procedure depends on their health and medical history.
The chin augmentation procedures in UAE are:

  • Fillers
  • Implants
  • Fat Grafting

Fillers are temporary and can be used for a temporary time to see the look of fillers. The other chin augmentation procedures are permanent with long-lasting results. Implants are inserted via surgery and incision. While fat grafting is done from the patient’s body fat. Their fat is processed to create super fat and then transferred to the site for creating volume.

First of all, the chin augmentation procedure gives a boost to confidence and self-esteem as one feels they look better. However, there are more benefits to the intrinsic benefit such as:

  • Permanent & long-lasting results
  • Better symmetry of the face
  • Adds jaw definition
  • Works on sagging neck and jowls
  • Balances a strong nose
  • Permanent results
  • Faint and faded incision marks
  • Combined with rhinoplasty & facelift procedures

If you want to add symmetry to the face for an inward chin or a big nose, or a weak receding chin. Then consider chin augmentation procedures in UAE.

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