JLO Beauty Hydrafacial Stage One: Cleanse & Peel
The first step of any great Hydrafacial treatment is, of course, deep cleansing. Your aesthetician will begin by thoroughly cleansing your skin of any makeup, dirt or oils using premium nutrient-rich JLO Beauty products. The deep cleansing will extract impurities that would be unreachable with your daily skin routine and will prep the skin for the next step. After your skin is cleansed, your aesthetician will begin to administer a very gentle exfoliating peel to your skin. The BHA peel helps remove any dead skin cells on the face and also helps with the extraction of deep-set impurities within the pores, leaving you with glowing, clean skin.
JLO Beauty Hydrafacial Stage Two: Extract & Hydrate
The next step of the Hydrafacial treatment is the vortex extraction. Here, the aesthetician will attach a spiralling tip to the Hydrafacial device which is used to remove dead skin cells, impurities, blackheads and oils from the pores. Next, the most important step of the JLO Beauty Hydrafacial is administered, and that is, of course, the hydrating serums. Your esthetician will infuse your skin with JLO Beauty Booster serum to hydrate, tighten and firm up the skin on your face. This serum is rich in hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and a fermented adaptogen blend.
JLO Beauty Hydrafacial Stage Three: Fuse & Protect
In the final step of the JLO Hydrafacial, your aesthetician will infuse your skin with a serum containing nutrient-dense antioxidants and peptides. Antioxidants help to protect your skin from free radical damage, while peptides stimulate collagen production helping you keep a youthful glow for longer. Common antioxidants used in Hydrafacial treatments include vitamin C and green tea extract.