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Lose Fat Forever Safely with Lipolysis

Lose Fat Forever Safely with Lipolysis

Did you know about the pain-free fat-dissolving injections in Dubai and Abu Dhabi? If not, then now is the time to find a permanent fat-loss solution with the help of lipolysis treatment in the UAE. Now is the time to get rid of stubborn fat deposits with no surgery.

Now it is easy to get a sculpted and toned body in Dubai! At Cosmesurge, we believe in offering non-invasive procedures for stubborn fat removal. Many patients love the idea of a pain-free solution to lose fat cells permanently in UAE. Instead of a long procedure, this method comes with no downtime.
Our experts guide patients through the whole process and how fat-dissolving injections work.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Lipolysis?

The ideal candidate for this procedure is someone with small areas of excess fat and fine with slow results.
The below pointers should match with the candidate for the best results:

  • The fat removal areas are small.
  • The patient will not opt for another fat removal procedure
  • Overall health is good
  • The patient is not pregnant or a breastfeeding woman
  • The patient has realistic expectations for the results
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Your Journey with CosmeSurge

The doctor may take pictures for recording the difference post-treatment. Moreover, the doctor will share and discuss a few facts of fat dissolving injections with the patient such as:
  • Heart history or any other infection that doctors should know
  • Give up blood-thinning medicine
  • Quit metabolic booster medicines
  • Quit smoking and alcohol a week prior to the procedure
It is easy to get a quick and safe lipolysis treatment in Dubai & UAE. The non-invasive and almost fast recovery factor of fat-dissolving injections makes it lucrative for many! The process will be simple such as:
  • The fat area to be injected is cleaned and then numbed with the help of a topical cream.
  • This numbing cream helps to reduce the needle pain to a bare minimum. Certain patients may get local anesthesia based on their pain threshold and area of concern.
  • The medicinal solution is injected into the subcutaneous fat.
  • This concocted formula destroys the fat cells by dissolving them and finishing them through the body's metabolic process.
  • This procedure also helps in collagen stimulation and gives a firming effect to the skin.
You must follow these tips for the best results of Lipolysis treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi.
  • Take prescribed medicine and painkillers
  • Cold compresses help in reducing pain, discomfort, and swelling.
  • Do not touch, rub or massage the injected areas till the doctor advises
  • Avoid heavy weights or exercises for a few weeks
  • Increase hydration
  • Take a balanced and healthy diet
Do not skip your follow-up appointments so the doctor can see the difference and evaluate whether more shots are needed or not. Also, a good and healthy lifestyle is a must to keep the results long-lasting and effective of fat dissolving injections.
Lose Fat Forever Safely with Lipolysis Make Appointment

CosmeSurge is one of the leading aesthetic brands and the largest cosmetology chain in the region. Our services are proven and exceptional as we have team of highly qualified doctors and specialists with years of experience. To book a consultation you can call us on 800 26763 (COSME) or share your details through the book appointment section and our team will reach out to you.

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Dr. Anna Petrus-Mallory

General Practitioner- Dermatology

Dr. Anoud Hussin Alkikhia

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Dr. Manal AlKadri

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Mayur Bhobe

Dr. Mayur Ranu Bhobe

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Emad Aeta

Dr. Mohammed Emad Aeta

Specialist Dermatologist
Nidaa Abou Haouili

Dr. Nidaa Abou Haouili

General Practitioner - Dermatology
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Dr. Rabab Mohamed Essameldi

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Salwa Abo Rashed

Dr. Salwa Abo Rashed

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Dr. Mai 01

Dr. Mai Makram Abdelhamid

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Dr. Manal Ghanem Saeed Saad

Specialist Dermatologist


Abu Dhabi

With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.

Al Ain

With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.

Ras Al Khaimah

With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


With 13 state-of-the-art facilities, CosmeSurge is the most trusted cosmetic and skin clinic across UAE. CosmeSurge are advocates of conscious beauty, delivering the highest quality medical approach to appreciating and cultivating individual beauty needs. We strive to partner with you on your unique journey to conscious beauty.


The fat-dissolving injections work very well for small deposits of fatty cells in the following areas:

  • Double chin
  • Flabby cheeks
  • Abdomen
  • Back fat
  • Hips
  • Arms
  • Thighs

To have an ideal candidate the below pointers should match with the patient for the best results:

  • The fat removal areas are small.
  • The patient will not opt for another fat removal procedure
  • Overall health is good
  • The patient is not pregnant or a breastfeeding woman
  • The patient has realistic expectations for the results

The exact number of injections can only be assessed by the doctor. This assessment comes from the size of the area and the density of fat cells in the area.
However, mostly it is between two and eight treatments. In major cases, there are 2 to 3 treatments with breaks of four to six weeks in between each shot.

Yes, laser lipolysis is effective and pain-free. The laser heat is used to destroy the fat cells and is sucked out from the body via a cannula. If the patients follow a healthy lifestyle, the results are long-lasting and effective.

There are certain precautions you can follow after the Lipolysis treatment, such as:

  • Avoid sunlight and extreme temperature activities such as saunas and steam or snow parks.
  • Exercise or heavy weights must be avoided
  • Excessive touching or massaging the area of injection is not approved.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking for a few days post-treatment or press excessively on the treatment area.
  • Drinking or excessive smoking is prohibited.
  • Do not take any medicine, especially blood thinners, without the doctor’s permission in the initial days.

Yes, the Lipolysis results are permanent as the fat cells are permanently removed. However, a healthy diet and exercise keep the whole body in shape and proportion leading to the best results and balanced fat cell size in the body.

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